Session 66:
Longevity and historical analysis
Chair: Marc Luy, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU)
The role of inherited factors for longevity: southern Sweden 1813-2009 Tommy Bengtsson, Lund University ; Göran R. Broström, Umeå University
Achieving exceptional survival: are socioeconomic conditions in childhood still important? Alain Gagnon, Université de Montréal ; Valérie Jarry, Université de Montréal ; Robert R. Bourbeau, Université de Montréal
The long shadow of communism: new cross-national evidence for the European health divide Yuka Minagawa, University of Texas at Austin ; Robert A. Hummer, University of Texas at Austin
Socioeconomic differences in height among young men in southern Sweden, 1818-1968 Stefan Öberg, University of Gothenburg
Infant and early childhood mortality in a historical context Evelien Walhout, Tilburg University ; Jornt Mandemakers, University of Groningen
Other sessions on Health, morbidity and mortality