Living arrangement and treatment seeking behavior of the elderly in India

Barsharani Maharana, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Debasis Barik, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Elderly-hood is characterized by various chronic and multiple morbidities. There is a dearth of studies which look into economic condition and living arrangement simultaneously to explain treatment seeking among elderly. The present study explains intra-economic group differential in treatment seeking due to living arrangement using NSS 60th round (25.0 sub-round) data. MPCE and place of residence have direct influence on treatment seeking behavior of the elderly. But, with the similar level of MPCE, elderly living with spouse or with children receives treatment higher than those living alone or in old age home or with other relatives and non-relatives in both rural and urban settings. Treatment rate is significantly higher among elderly living with spouse than living alone in low MPCE households. Elderly of age 65+ years are less likely to receive treatment than those in age group 60-64 years. Elderly women are neglected in treatment seeking in low MPCE households.

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Presented in Session 104: Living conditions and disability at old age