Forecast of education attainment of population in the Czech Republic to the year 2050

Vladimir Hulik, Ministry of Education, Prague
Klara Hulikova, Charles University in Prague

The aim of the paper is to present the methodology and main results of the population forecast of the Czech Republic constructed according to age, sex and also education level. Such type of forecast was constructed in the Czech Republic for the first time. In the paper, there some main assumptions important for the construction of the prognosis are presented and also the particular steps of its calculation are introduced. Individual data about the numbers of graduates at the tertiary level were used and so the cohort perspective was implemented into calculation too. Together with that also the prolongation of the past and present trends was considered as well as the assumed consequences of the present regionally-specific characteristics. According to the results it could be expected that the proportion of tertiary educated people will increase rapidly in the Czech Republic. All the calculations are produced also at the regional level and so the past and actual regional differences could have been taken into account. It is supposed that these differences are more likely to be deepened than eliminated.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 2