Performance evaluation of conditional cash transfer and income generating policies in Turkey: case of Cankiri province

Berna Safak Zülfikar, Cankiri Karatekin University
Harun Yakışık, Cankiri Karatekin University

Poverty is an economic and social problem. It is a condition characterized by severe deprivation of education, health and sheltering. The phenomenon is commonly seen at different forms in both developed and developing countries. According to Eurostat, 17 % of the EU’s population lives on lack of resources. On the other hand, the snapshot of poverty at Turkey is not different from EU. 18.08 % of Turkey’s population suffers from the food and non-food poverty rate. The data show that eradication of poverty should be an inevitable struggling policy target for many countries. There are many actors struggling with poverty,but most recent studies have proven that all governmental policies for poverty eradication are resulted more effectively than other policies. One of the policies in Turkey is income-generating policies. The policies can be explained as another form of microcredit. The population at the risk of poverty or social exclusion have been utilized the microcredit. The policy provides opportunity of entrepreneurship for the risk group and generating employment with credits. Another instrument of government to struggle with poverty is Conditional Cash Transfer for children that are at the risk of poverty. The transfers are paid to the mothers for the education and health experiences of their children. The study aims to evaluate the poverty eradication tools of governmental policies as an example of Çankırı Province in Turkey. The research has been performed in Çankırı because the province is one of the priority regions for development. Qualitative methods have been used for the study and 50 depth interviews have been performed. The study will give the opportunity to evaluate the economical improvements, social inclusion and physiological empowerment of participants and it will provide the examination of the influence of transfer payments on women status at family level for the years 2002 and 2010.

Presented in Poster Session 3