The heterogeneity of family forms in France and Spain

Béatrice Valdes, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV

This study confirms the operational value of IECM census samples for the analysis of patterns of cohabitation of adults in French and Spanish regions, provided always first to ensure comparability of data. This work has helped to highlight spatial heterogeneity of family forms, with not only an opposition between France and Spain, but also subnational disparities. It showed a continuity beyond the border patent in cohabitation of people over 65 years, resulting in a permanent traditional patterns of cohabitation in Spain and southern regions of France. Disparities in the incidence of cohabitation of young adults are weaker, and correspond to a new model. We also try to identify explanatory factors for such heterogeneity by performing a multivariate analysis. These census sample data do not enable us to obtain results at a level smaller than the regional level for France. By comparing these results with those obtained from data cantonal French census of 2006, available on the website of INSEE (French national institute of statistics and economic studies), we can detect additional heterogeneity of family forms in the Aquitaine region border. This heterogeneity is masked by the IECM census sample at the regional level, but can be revealed through extensive census data at cantonal level provided by the INSEE.

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Presented in Session 38: Living arrangements and co-residence