Linkage study on alcohol consumption and high risk behavior in India

Pushpendra Kumar Mishra, GFK-Mode, Pvt.Ltd
Akshay Gupta, GFK-Mode Pvt. Ltd

This paper is an attempt to understand relationship between alcohol consumption and high risk behavior among married male age group (15-34) years in India by analyzing multidimensional indicators of alcohol consumption ( every day or once in a week) , current age, occupation ( skilled & un-skilled worker), highest level of education and region. The analysis uses NFHS-3 (National Family Health Survey-3) data of India. The result depicts a fair picture of association between alcohol consumption and high risk behavior. Around 27 percent of the respondents who were frequently consuming alcohol had likelihood of having sex other than regular partners without using condoms. The binary logistic regression model shows that there is a statistically significant relation of alcohol consumption and high risk behavior. The other socio- economic and cultural factors like current age, occupation, highest level of education and region plays a pivotal role to determine high risk pattern in India.

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Presented in Poster Session 3