Demographic and social characteristics of families with violence against women in Russia

Irina E. Kalabikhina, Moscow State University
Vladimir Kozlov, Higher School of Economics, Moscow

The paper concerns with the influence of demographic (age, type and duration of union, number of children, age difference between partners, etc.) and social (education, employment, gender attitudes, etc.) characteristics of Russian families on domestic violence against women. Authors consider various types of violence against woman (physical, psychological, and sexual ones). In particular the article focuses on the profile of vulnerable families. Econometric modeling discovers the main determinants of higher domestic violence level. As a result we confirm empirically that the family violence against women mainly depends on the propensity of the individuals to be androcentric in gender relationships and the tolerance to violence in the whole society in Russia. Demographic characteristics of family with violence correlate with so cold "traditional families" ones.

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Presented in Poster Session 3