Migration effect on the future of female genital mutilation: the case of African women in Italy

Patrizia Farina, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
Livia Elisa Ortensi, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca

Female genital cutting (FGM) is a common practice in many societies in the northern half of sub-Saharan Africa. As in recent years a combination of economic, political, social and environmental factors induced a sustained migration of women from Africa to economic developed countries, FGM has become an issue in many countries for its diffusion among migrant populations. The aims of contribute are 1)to provide a reliable estimate of FGM among African women living in Italy as well as the the amount of Second generations at risk to be mutilated. 2) to evaluate the factors that reinforce or undermine the practice in migration. The comparison of characteristics of migrant women and those in home country - education, autonomy, personal experience and so on - may allow evaluating the power of migration itself on the continuation of the practice.

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Presented in Poster Session 3