Resident population in Portugal in working ages, according to migratory profiles, 2008

Maria Magalhaes, Statistics Portugal and University of Évora
Maria Mendes, Universidade de Évora
Manuela Maria Oliveira, Universidade de Évora

Portugal, traditionally characterized as an emigration country, in the last decade of the XXth century and early years of the XXIth, reversed its net migration result, as a consequence of considerable volumes of immigration, although emigration remained relatively high. Given the growing number of foreigners residents in Portugal, issues related to the labour market situation of immigrants assumes an emergent relevance. In this study, data from the Portuguese Labour Force Survey ad hoc module was used, held in the second quarter of 2008 (the most recent data available). The target population was the resident population aged between 15 and 74 years. Following a preliminary descriptive statistics, generalized linear models and decision trees were performed. By immigrants we mean all the respondents born abroad; by immigrant’s descendents the respondents born in Portugal having at least one parent born abroad, and no migratory background the respondents born in Portugal with both parents also native born. Compared to group of individuals with no migratory background, the immigrants had higher percentages (a) of individuals in the active age groups, (b) of employees and of (c) individuals with secondary, post-secondary and higher education levels. However, it is noteworthy that the immigrant main occupations were mainly in the “Industry and construction skilled workers and craftsman” and in “not skilled workers” categories. Moreover, the individuals with no migratory background had higher percentage of individuals in the older groups, retirees, and with lower educational levels – a reflex of an ageing population. Finally, when compared to the other two profiles, the immigrant’s descendents had higher number of individuals in the younger age and student groups, as well as higher values of unemployed. Further results arising from the application of the final models will be presented, allowing a deeper analysis of the resident population in Portugal in working ages.

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Presented in Poster Session 1