Pregnancy care in Cambodia: challenges in achieving the fifth Millennium Development Goal

Marguerite L. Sagna, University of Alberta
Thankam S. Sunil, University of Texas at San Antonio

Despite Safe Motherhood being a high priority in Cambodia, reproductive-ill health still remains a salient public health concern. The current levels of maternal and child mortality in Cambodia are disconcerting and call for an examination of the usage of appropriate care during pregnancy and childbirth by women of reproductive age. Using data from the 2005 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey, we examined the influence of individual- and community-level factors on (1) the receipt of four or more antenatal care visits, (2) receipt of antenatal care within the first trimester of pregnancy, (3) delivery in a health facility and (4) delivery by trained medical professional. The results demonstrate that age at birth, parity level, educational attainment, household wealth, occupation, media exposure, and counseling about pregnancy complications are significant determinants of pregnancy care. Evidence from this study also shows that some community-level factors have significant influence on the use of maternal health care services. Programs to improve maternal health outcomes must take into account covariates at multiple levels of influence to better address the needs of women of reproductive age in Cambodia.

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Presented in Session 87: Mortality in developing countries