Infant mortality in Hidalgo state, Mexico

Martha Nayeli Fernandez Calderon, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

The State of Hidalgo is one of the 31 states that, along with the Federal District, conform the 32 federal organizations of the Mexican Republic. Count with 84 municipalities and their capital is the city of Pachuca de Soto. The objective of this work is to compare the rates of infant mortality with the marginalization levels of the 2000 and 2010 that there is within the state of Hidalgo. The results that are in the analysis of infant mortality are the differences between the municipalities moved away to the State Capital, in addition within the state to Hidalgo almost half of the municipalities is with a high marginalization level. In relation to years 2000 and 2010 in some municipalities the rates of infant mortality have diminished and in others the change has not been significant, or has been little representative, for example in San Bartolo Tutotepec that in the 2000 continued being the municipality with greater rate of infant mortality and the change that it had was minimum. The same it happens with the marginalization levels was no change, continues having the very high marginalization level. The municipality of San Bartolo Tutotepec is characterized, the distance between the localities is distant and the people do not have like being transferred easily between localities, in all the localities is not a health center. Within San Bartolo the population does not have many economic resources and has few years of education level in the woman. All these conditions are those that affect in the municipality of San Bartolo Tutotepec and others municipalities.

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Presented in Poster Session 3