Effect of e-mail, video and lecture media in the social personal guidance of undergraduate

Akanle F. F. Florence, University of Ado-Ekiti

The study aimed at comparing the effect of E-mail, video and lecture method in the provision of socio personal guidance (Sexuality Education) for undergraduates. The study used a non equipment pretest, post-test control group design. Purposive and accidental sampling techniques were combined to select 30 undergraduates for the study. Treatment consisted of exposure to the sexuality content (SEC) using different media. A researcher-made-instrument named sexuality adjustment scale (SAC) was used for both test. The SAC was subjected to validation and reliability procedure. Data was analysed using ANCOVA. Results revealed a significant gain in information, change in sexual behaviour and development of skill in all groups. This highlights for counsellors to develop skills and techniques for on-line counselling. The implication of this for sexuality educator and counsellors is discussed and recommendations made.

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Presented in Session 65: Adolescents and youth sexuality